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Hartley Hyde • 


S ir Francis Galton (1822-1911) studied 
medicine at Cambridge but when his 
father died in 1844 he no longer needed to 
work so he embarked on a tour of the Nile. 
After some exploration of Namibia he gave up 
travelling and settled to a life of science. 

As a psychologist he introduced the idea of 
a survey to collect data and was the first to 
promote the study of twins. His use of maps 
to show high air pressure areas led to the 
development of scientific weather forecasting. 

An experiment with breeding sweet peas 
inspired Galton to think up the idea of regres- 
sion analysis in the 1870s and of statistical 
correlation in 1888. 

Using these statistical tools he was able to 
convince Scotland Yard of the benefit of using 
fingerprints to identify people. 

In later years he became one of the first to 
apply the evolutionary theories of his cousin 
Charles Darwin to human populations. 
Having no children, he left most of his fortune 
to the University College of London where his 
younger colleague Karl Pearson continued the 
development of statistics. 

condensed from the Wikipedia 

An introduction to regression 

W hen 1 first used VisiCalc, 1 thought it a 
very useful tool when 1 had the formulas, 
but how could 1 design a spreadsheet if there 
was no known formula for the quantities 1 was 
trying to predict? A few months later 1 learned 
to use multiple linear regression software and 
suddenly it all clicked into place: all 1 needed 
was a data sample and the regression software 
would give me a formula and some idea of the 
limits of accuracy. Spreadsheets and regression 
both existed long before computers, but they 
became much more powerful tools in their 
computer form. 

While some topics in mathematics appead to 
our sense of elegance there are others, like 
regression, that grab our attention because of 
their utility. Respect for elegance or utility are 
reactions that grow from having understood a 
topic, but they do not help to introduce it. 

When introducing a new topic, we need a 
variety of activities in the hope of catching the 
interest of a corresponding variety of learning 
styles. 1 try to include something of the history 
of the people who first explored the topic. The 
story of Sir Francis Gabon’s contribution to 
science and statistics leaves little doubt that his 
development of statistics arose from many prac- 
tical and innovative pursuits. 

Students who think visually are often helped 
by the demonstration to be found at 
WWW. dynamicgeometry . com / J avasketchpad / 
gallery /pages /least squares.php. This demon- 
stration was developed by Bill Finzer and is 
included on the Geometer’s SketchPad site as 
one of several examples of how a 
JavaSketchPad model can be built into a web 
page. The screen dump on the next page has 
had to be simplified from the highly coloured, 
dynamic version that you can find at the 

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Calculator And Computer Technology User Service 

The data points are labelled P(l), P(2) ... and 
the task is to move the oblique line until the 
sum of squares of the distances between the 
data points and the line is minimised. The large 
square at the bottom right-hand corner has an 
area equal to the sum of the areas of the smaller 
squares. By moving the coloured dots labelled 
slope and y-intercept, the gradient and height of 
the regression line can be changed. All you have 
to do is keep fiddling until the total area has its 
least value. This is not a trivial task. 

This activity may be all that some students 
will need to develop sufficient confidence in 
what is happening when their calculator fits a 
regression line to a set of data points. This is 
something of a black-box approach in which we 
do not know how it works but we do not care 

Other students need to know how the 
demonstration works. The code is all there in 
the public domain: Just click on View and select 
Source. The instruction set is in the page 
header and begins: 

{1} Point(359,246)[hidden]; 

{2} Point(356,35)[label('P(6)')]; 

{3} Point(311,63)[label('P(5)')]; 

{4} Point(252,82)[label('P(4)')]; 

down version on their own graphics calculator. 
The following example works well on a ClassPad. 

Plot and constrain the points A (-2,4), 
B (2,1), C (4,-4) and D (0,0) as shown below. 

Plot the points E (3,0) and F(0,4). Construct 
and constrain the axes DE and DF and hide E 
and F. Check that you now have the non- 
dynamic parts firmly fixed in place. 

Define a point G on the y-axis DF. Plot a 
point H at (-3,3). Draw the future regression 
line GH. If you move the point G, you will 
change the y-intercept, and you can change the 
slope by moving the point H. 

Highlight the x-axis DE as well as the point A 
and construct a perpendicular line. Point A and 
the line DE are constrained, so is the perpen- 
dicular line. Place similar lines through B and C 
perpendicular to DE. Identify the intersections 
of the new lines with GH as the points I, J and 
K as shown below. As you move either of the 
points G or H you will see that the points I, J 
and K are constrained to follow the tramtracks 
AT, BJ and CK Select the tramtracks and hide 
them. Check that I, J and K are still constrained 
to the vertical lines through the points A, B and 
C. The line of best fit is found when the points 

followed by another 84 lines. Each line is easy 
to follow, but the whole construction is complex. 
After all, this is a demonstration piece. If your 
students have already learned to use 
JavaSketchPad, you could let them satisfy their 
curiosity by playing with the construction and 
making minor alterations so that they can see 
what each section of the code is doing. However, 
while you may be justified in teaching 
JavaSketchPad to a geometry class, you may 
not wish to invest that much time with a statis- 
tics class. On the other hand, you can 
reasonably expect that they might try a cut- 

i ^ FQ# -K 



5 ' 


1 1 










amt 64 (2) 2008 

G and H are moved such that the expression 
(AT^ + + CK^) is minimised. To illustrate this 

we will build little squares on each of the line 
segments AI, BJ and CK. 

As mentioned in a previous article, it is not 
easy to construct stable quadrilaterals that will 
withstand manipulations. In this case we 
constrain the angles ML and ATM to be 90° and 
set the slope of LM to oo so as to form a 
rectangle. Make AI and AL equal, thus forcing 
AIML to be a square. Repeat this procedure with 
BJON and CKQP. We should now have three 
squares that change size as we change the posi- 
tions of G and H. 

Select the three points A, L and M. At the left- 
hand end of the measurement bar, select the 
Area icon and, for this exaimple, the area of 
ALMI is about 1.01 unit^. Tap on the area 
measurement and drag it toward the bottom of 
the work area. 

This will leave the title “Area:” in the 
Measurement Window. You can now edit the 
word to a more appropriate description. Just 
change it to read “Area A:”. Tap the tick. Then 
repeat for the other two squares like this. 

From the Draw Menu choose Expression. 
Each of the previous measurements is now 
numbered in a small box. Tap on the first box 
and @1 appears in the Measurement Bar. Type 
“+”. Then tap on the second and you have 
@l+@2 in the Measurement Bar. Keep going 
until you have @l+@2+@3 and then tap the 
tick. You now have a total area to slide down 
under the other area measurements. 

All the students have left to do is move the 
point G to different places ailong the y-axis and 
move H to different places to change the slope; 
they should be able to get the expression for the 
to tail area close to 1.75 as shown below. By 
choosing the initial three points A, B and C 
carefully, 1 have ensured rational coefficients for 
the regression line which can be viewed in the 
measurement bar. 

' W Edic Vtfrw I'M [h| 

- 3 - 

-L.25.-a^2 ^ 

You can now show students how to use the 
regression software which is built into the 
spreadsheet to obtain the same answer much 
more quickly. 

Simple geometric examples like 
this assist visual thinkers to build 
a helpful dynamic model of how 
the regression line is determined. 

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